GTA Consulting

Automation Services


Automation is a term for technology applications where human input is minimized. This includes business process automation (BPA), IT automation, and others.

In daily routine we waste lot of our productive time in doing repetitive task which otherwise can be done in fraction of the time using automated tools. For Ex:

  • Consolidation of data of multiple branches.
  • Finding red flags from big data.
  • Preparing periodic Management Information System Reports.
  • Setting up control parameters etc.

With the help of our customised tools the same task can be done with 100% accuracy and in fraction of time required.

How will we work with you….

We will understand

    • Processes for which you would like to conduct data analytics.
    • Systems from where required data can be extracted.
    • Type of reports (with data points) which are available.
    • Risk and Control Matrices, controls which you would like to test.
    • Details of control/ process owners to whom the exceptions have to be communicated.
    • Any specific formats in which the exceptions have to be communicated.

Our Services

  • Workflow and Task Automation
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
  • Accounting and Financial Automation
  • Payroll Automation
  • Document Management Automation
  • Custom Report and Dashboard Creation
  • CRM Process Automation
  • Current Workflow Details
  • System Access Info
  • Compliance Guidelines
  • Existing Software Details
  • User Permissions
  • Automated Workflows
  • Integrated Systems with Training
  • Custom Reports and Dashboards
  • RPA Setup Reports
  • User Guides and Ongoing Support

Benefits of Automation

Enhanced productivity

Improved quality.
Heightened performance.

Global application

Conduct audit regardless of location.

Few errors

Automation of task.
Seamless integration.
Automatic tracking.
Improved quality.


Reduced audit time.
Strategic value.

Easy customization

Process audit.
Financial audit.
Safety audit.
Compliance audit.

Better use of auditors time

Less time spent on data analytics.
Reduced trainings.

We provide Automation services to Small and Medium Enterprises. Our Engineers have specialized in Macro coding, Java, and other process automation. Our Aim is to provide value addition to the organization, reduce manpower time and improve reporting, which is relevant for decision making. All our services are customized as per the need and requirements of the Auditee organization.

    1. Prepare a customized report from Big Data using Excel Macro Programming.
    2. Automate your day-to-day routine tasks using Java Programming.
    3. End to End Tally Customisation in the required formats to support your decision-making.
    4. Automate any other task that you are doing on day to day basis and save 80% of your time.